5 Reasons to Have Your Area Rugs Cleaned by a Professional

5 Reasons to Have Your Area Rugs Cleaned by a Professional

When your area rug starts to look dirty and dingy, you may consider renting a floor cleaner or buying rug cleaner from the store to remove stains and spills. And while it might seem like the more cost-effective option, having your area rug professionally cleaned is...
How to Choose Between Cleaning or Replacing Your Carpets

How to Choose Between Cleaning or Replacing Your Carpets

As time passes and life unfolds, your carpets can gradually lose their luster, becoming a canvas for spills, stains, and wear. This is where the age-old question arises: should you opt for a professional cleaning to breathe new life into your carpets, or is it time to...
Things to Know After Having Your Carpets Cleaned

Things to Know After Having Your Carpets Cleaned

So you’ve just had your carpets cleaned by the amazing crew at Springer Floor Care and your flooring has never looked better—now what? At Springer, we’ll never leave you hanging with any lingering questions about how to properly care for your carpets and floors.  We...
Common Floor Cleaning Myths

Common Floor Cleaning Myths

Household chores, such as cleaning your floors, have been around for centuries. It’s not uncommon to view old oil paintings depicting people floor sweeping with brittle brooms, or getting on their hands and knees with a big bucket of soapy water and a rag. This is a...
The Pros and Cons of Natural and Synthetic Carpet

The Pros and Cons of Natural and Synthetic Carpet

Carpet fiber is the material that your carpet strands are made from, and all carpet fibers come in two categories: natural or synthetic. Each kind has its own characteristics, along with certain pros and cons. Knowing the specific strengths and weaknesses of each...